Thursday, May 22, 2008

The UK Crew at the London Eye, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

We're all beginning to feel the time running out, but that isn't stopping us from having fun. and what a fun three days we've had. On Tuesday we took a trip up to York to see the remnants of William the Concquerers second castle. While there we also saw the Black Swan, the UK's most haunted inn. In York's younger years it was a place filled with anti-Scot sentiment. That was all thanks to William Wallace and his sacking of the city. As an example of this hatred, York had a seventeenth century law allowing citizens one hour each weekend to shoot any Scot they found. Luckily, the law was reversed.

On Wednesday we stayed in London to see St. Paul's Cathedral designed by Christopher Wren, ride the London Eye, and to see the Globe Theater. All of them were a lot of fun to see. St. Paul's is lavishly decorated, just like the other buildings of the nineteenth century, when the UK was the strongest power in the world. Details everywhere. Unfortunately pictures were not allowed, but the official website does have some lovely pictures for everyone to see. Check it out.
At 451 feet, the London Eye was a treat for some and horrible for others. But we all managed to stay together in one piece, and got some great pictures.
Our final stop on was the Globe Theater. It is a replica of Shakespeare's original Globe Theater. Everything, right down to the wooden railings paitned like marble, were as Shakespeare and his contemporaries would have played at. Some of us had such a great time that got tickets to A Midsummer Night's Dream. Being one of Shakespeare's funniest comedies, we found ourselves laughing at everyline.
On Thursday we went to the Wedgewood factory to see the artists of Wedgewood pottery in action. They can do some remarkably detailed work. But the prices were a little too high, so we came away with a few pictures instead.