Friday, May 2, 2008

DSCN4143, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Erin Francisco
Class Year: 2009
Major: English Literature, Music
Hometown, State, Country: Laurens, New York, USA
UK Project: Contemporary English Poetry in the UK
What I hope to learn: I acknowledge the relevance of experimenting and exposing oneself to a vast array of poetry; to seek the influential nature of other poets and what mediums they work with in order to better express the content of their poetry. I am interested to know what variants of today’s world are affecting the subjects and focus of English poetry. A current American education in poetry discusses many contemporary US writers, who have traveled extensively outside of the country’s boarders, yet it only addresses poets from the United Kingdom who composed poetry centuries ago. I want to know what is happening now.

DSCN4134, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Victoria Herow
Class: 2009
Major: History and American Studies
Hometown: Wassaic, NY
UK Project: Christopher Wren's Architectural Achievements
What I hope to learn: I am very excited to be visiting London! I am thrilled to see all of the different kinds of buildings and places that we will be visiting during the few weeks that we are there. I also want to see the works of Christopher Wren that I researched for my paper.

DSCN4131, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Ken Baker
Class Year: 2009
Major: Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology
Hometown: Northbridge, MA, USA
UK Project: Origins and History of Stonehenge and Other Mysterious Creations in the UK
What I hope to learn: In the UK, I hope to learn more about my term project (Stonehenge), as well as about the culture of the United Kingdom more generally.

DSCN4132, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Erica Lavallee
Class Year: 2009
Major: Business Adm: Specialization in Management and Marketing
Home town: Northbridge, MA, US
UK Project: Origins and History of Stonehenge and Other Mysterious Creations in the UK
What I hope to learn: To explore the many historical sites of England,Scotland and Paris and to also see the mysterious stone circles of Stonehenge.

DSCN4133, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Kathleen (Kati) Reimer
Class Year: 2009
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Jefferson, Maryland, USA
UK Project: Prehistoric Sites of Wiltshire
What I hope to learn: I just want to experience how the Londoners live their day to day life and see history back further than America can offer. Oh, and also figure out what all those British slang terms mean so I can use them on a daily basis, ha!

DSCN4130, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Ben Mason
Class Year: 2009
Major: Business Adm. with concentrations in Marketing/Management
Hometown: Weston, CT, USA
UK Project: History and Evolution of the English Premier League
What I hope to learn: What I want to learn is how people in England view Americans and their connection with us. I also want to see their great cities and towns which they are known for along with other cultural sites that make England unique.

DSCN4128, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Emily Carlock
Year: 2010
Major: Double Major in Accounting and Business Administration with a Specialization in Management
Hometown: Mt. Morris, NY
UK Project: Compare and Contrast UK and US Elementary School Systems
What I hope to learn: While abroad I hope to learn how other cultures differ from our own.

DSCN4139, originally uploaded by ECUK08.

Name: Jeremy Williams
Class: 2008
Major: English Literature
Hometown: Nichols, NY
UK Project: WebMaster
What I hope to learn: There is a richness to UK history that cannot be found in the US. I plan to absorb as much of it as possible. Also, I want to know what a deep fried Mars Bar tastes like... with ketchup.